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#singlelyf Raw Superfood Muesli

#singlelyf Raw Superfood Muesli

raw healthy superfood muesli vegan gluten free wholefood clean eats

raw healthy superfood muesli vegan gluten free wholefood clean eatsNow… I am getting a bit carried away here… of course you can make this delicious muesli if you’re in a relationship (I guess… ), but when you are going through a breakup, food can become, well, low on a priority list. For some, eating their feelings is mandatory process emotions, but for me, food has been on the cbf list. This is unusual, because as you might know, I usually love to eat. Also, I know how essential it is to maintain good nutrition. Keeping it tight with all the things the body needs is going to support you from a biochemical level. Making sure your body is balanced is important because your mind is going through enough and this will make sure at least your hormones are not exasperating any issues.

This muesli is a god send. Once it is made, it is so easy to access. You will always have something healthy to eat without any taxing mental effort. Additionally, it is super easy to jar up and take to work with you if you need to bolt the house quickly.

Made up of superfoods, nuts, seeds, dried fruit and oats, you are getting a lot of minerals, vitamins and good fats to help your body deal with anything you are going through.

This muesli is also amazing sans the oats consumed as a healthy snack!

Sometimes you just need to be gentle with yourself….

The best thing about this though, is there are no rules! You can modify this to your hearts content. Add or subtract any raw nuts, fruit or seeds you like. Experiment with additional spices, nut milks and refined sugar sweeteners – keep it easy!

See Also

raw healthy superfood muesli vegan gluten free wholefood clean eats

raw superfood muesli
Made up of superfoods, nuts, seeds, dried fruit and oats, you are getting a lot of minerals, vitamins and good fats to help your body deal with anything you are going through. You can modify this to your hearts content. Add or subtract any raw nuts, fruit or seeds you like. Experiment with additional spices, nut milks and refined sugar sweeteners - keep it easy!
Eat for: breakfast
Cuisine: paleo, dairy free, refined sugar free, gluten free, fructose free, grain free, vegan,
Serves: 20
  • 1 cup raw brazil nuts, roughly chopped
  • 1 cup raw hazel nuts, roughly chopped
  • 1 cup raw macadamia nuts, roughly chopped
  • 1 cup raw almonds, roughly chopped
  • 1 cup raw petitias
  • 1 cup raw sunflower feeds
  • 1 cup popped quinoa
  • 750gram bag rolled oats (gluten free if you need, use less if you want less oats!)
  • ½ cup dried cranberries
  • ½ cup goji berries
  • ½ cup chia seeds
  • ½ cup linseeds
  • 1-2 teaspoons vanilla powder (optional)
  • 1-2 tablespoons cinnamon (optional)
  1. Mix everything in a giant bowl until well distributed.
  2. Store in a clean air tight container or jar until used.
  3. Mix 1 cup of muesli with ½ cup of your favourite nut milk (I use almond). Add a dollop of maple syrup if you like things sweet. Top with extra cinnamon and fruit of your choice aka fresh raspberries and blueberries. For extra nutrition, add a tablespoon of your favourite superfood powder, e.g I added Match Maiden powder!

raw healthy superfood muesli vegan gluten free wholefood clean eats

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